Do I short sale my home or stay and tough it out?

There are times when tough questions deserve an honest answer.  A question homeowners like yourself are asking every day is, “Do I short sale my home or stay and tough it out?”  Either way, to make the best decision, you should have all of the information in front of you.  

Please take a moment out of your day to try out the Short or Stay Calculator. 
Being able to see the current market value of your home and projecting when your investment will break-even and become an asset again is invaluable to your decision making process.  With the Short or Stay Calculator you’ll be able to do so in a matter of minutes.
When you go to the above URL you will see the following:
  • Step 1: Your Property Information – enter your property’s address information.
  • Step 2: Your Mortgage – provide some basic mortgage information such as your balance and interest rate.  NOTE:  Your information is closely guarded and never sold.
That’s it.  It’s that simple!
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