The Hardship for Temecula or Murrieta Short Sale

The Hardship for Temecula or Murrieta Short Sale
– When Ready to sell your Temecula or Murrieta Home – if you owe more than the mortgage, we can help. Call us to discuss short sale options. Temecula
or Murrieta Short Sale Specialists with Keller Williams Realty Temecula.
If you are looking to buy, feel free to use our Online California MLS search
and Property Finder at – It’s FREE and
Online NOW.
Will you become the next Temecula or Murrieta foreclosure statistic?
– Beware, Temecula or Murrieta Foreclosure  may be pending.
· Have you missed your first house  payment? Your finances have probably been worsened due to an increase in your  mortgage payment, job loss or lowered wages, separation or divorce, medical  bills, or maybe another reason.
· Are your credit card limits nearly  maxed?
· Are you breaking out credit cards  to fund your groceries?
· Is it increasingly more difficult  to make your monthly bills?
If it’s becoming harder to make your house payment each month:
Contact a Realtor *951-506-5744* to  discuss a possible Short Sale on your home. People don’t usually think foreclosure  will actually happen. Ignoring it will NOT make it go away.
A Typical Foreclosure Process – Note:  Timeline varies by state.
First month missed payment – you will  hear from your lender
– You may want to investigate  the Short Sale Process or other options
Second month missed payment – your  mortgage holder will probably call you to find out where your payment  is. Answer their calls. Talk to your bank and detail your hardship  and what you are trying to do to better your situation. If possible make  one payment to prevent yourself from falling 90 days behind.
– See your accountant, attorney, and/or
Realtor about Temecula or Murrieta short Sale Options
Third month missed payment Your  lender will send a Demand Letter or Notice to Accelerate letter detailing how  much you are behind, and you must bring your mortgage current within 30 days.  If a payment arrangement is not made , your bank will probably begin California  foreclosure proceedings. They may not accept less than the full amount at this  time. You still have time to communicate with your lender and try to  come to a resolution.
– A short Sale May Be your Option
Fourth month missed payment – You are  running out of time. After the 30 day date specified in your letter, if you  have not completed the payment in the full amount or worked out arrangements  with the bank — your case will be referred to the lender’s attorneys. You  will incur all attorney fees as part of your delinquency.
Sheriff’s/Public  Trustee’s Sale –
A Sale date is scheduled. This is the real day of foreclosure. You may
receive a notice of the sale date in the mail. A notice will be placed on your
door, and the sale may be posted in the local paper. BEFORE this sale date, if
you want to stay in your home, you will need to be working on avoiding the
foreclosure by making arrangements with your lender, or paying the total amount  owed, including attorney fees.
Redemption  Period –
post sale date, there may be a redemption period. You will be notified of
the details on the notice that California uses for the Sheriff’s or Trustee’s
Important: If you know arrangements are  not going to be made, and would like to unload your oversized mortgage without  having a California Foreclosure on your record — Contact Tom Olsewski and hisTeam of Short Sale agents at Keller Williams Realty Temecula or Murrieta todiscuss Short Sale Help. They may be able to negotiate on your behalf to  accept a “short” amount on your mortgage payoff. You would still lose your home, but without the Foreclosure nightmare. If the terms are not agreeable to you once the short sale terms are sent from the bank, you may still opt for the foreclosure vs. the short sale.
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